Learn how to work safely in the Middle World and how to recognize and resolve Power Loss. This Distance Learning workshop is a combination in-person and online class for students wishing to continue their study in Applied Shamanism. It is offered in conjunction with the Soul Retrieval and Guiding of Souls workshop on November 9 & 10. The first segment of this workshop is offered in video format and is accessed online. The second segment is offered in person on November 8. This allows students coming from outside of the Bay Area to complete both workshops in one three-day weekend.
Segment 1: The video portion is available from: Thursday, October 17 – Thursday, November 7, 2019
Segment 2: The in-person class meeting is Friday, November 8, 2019
Registration and additional information via sacredstream.org.
Please note that there is a separate in-person version of this workshop offered on October 19 & 20 at the Sacred Stream Center in Berkeley, CA. If you are local or prefer to take the full workshop in-person, register here.